We, as the members of the Student Government Association of the University of Dayton, recognize our mission to:
Act as a liaison to foster communication while working to educate and inform students, faculty, administration, and The University of Dayton community as a whole.
Take an active role in serving all aspects of student life with programs that enrich students spiritually, culturally, socially, and intellectually during their undergraduate experience at The University of Dayton.
We shall be guided by the Marianist spirit as we respectfully give of our time and talents in an effort to work to uphold the University’s motto of “Lead, Learn, and Serve.”
We will continually search for ways to influence while positively enhancing student life within The University of Dayton community.
Previously known as the Student Activities Committee and the Student Council, the Student Government has been active at the University of Dayton since the mid-twentieth century acting as a representative governing body that addresses the concerns of undergraduate students. The original Student Activities Committee was organized for the purpose of promoting and supervising all campus activities and represented various departmental classes. After a few years the Student Activities Committee came to be viewed as “inefficient and obsolete in coping with student problems” so the Student Council was organized in 1936 to “coordinate and facilitate the proper relationship between the faculty and student body of the University in regard to both scholastic and extra-curricular activities.” A few years later in 1941 the Student Government Association was formally organized to “foster cooperation between the various organizations on the campus and to present to the faculty the students’ views.”
Student Council 1960
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-To express and interpret student opinion to the administration and faculty
-To resolve common student problems
-To achieve common student purposes within the University and civic life
-To provide official and recognized representatives of the undergradute students in dealing with other components of the University community
-To participate with the University administration in the formulation and execution of policies
-To protect student rights