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Technology in Library Spaces

Technology information for spaces and equipment in the Roesch Library.

The Collab (Roesch Library, Room 240)

The Collab is one of the most popular teaching rooms for library faculty and is ideal for interactive educational workshops. It is also frequently used for large meetings and presentations.

If you are unsure where to find the Collab, look at the Roesch Library floor plans!

The Collab (Room 240) in the Roesch Library at the University of Dayton


The Collab Offers:

  • Collapsible round tables and seating for approximately 48 (eight tables and six chairs at each table).
  • Height-adjustable instruction podium with a computer, Blu-ray player, cable television, overhead document camera and webcam.
  • Projector and four wall-mounted monitors. Presenter View can only be used when using a laptop as the source. Refer to the Presenter View instructions for more information.
  • Ceiling-mounted speakers (no integrated microphone).
  • Three dry-erase boards: a wall-length board at the front of the room and two smaller boards on the sides.


Available by Request:

We also have the following items available; please include them in your reservation request. 

  • Wireless presentation remote — Stored in the locked cabinet behind the podium.
  • Wireless lavalier microphone — Library staff will set up the microphone and complete a sound check before your event. 
  • Meeting Owl 360° camera, microphone and speaker — Library staff can be available to set up.

Make a Reservation

Request a reservation for library instruction using this online form. To book the space for use after 5 p.m., contact Diane Osman.

FALL & SPRING semesters: The library teaching faculty have priority use of this space during Fall and Spring semesters, Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Other users may request this space after 5 p.m. or all day on Fridays.

SUMMER semester: The Collab is available for campus-related use Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

Check out the schedule posted near the door to the Collab. UD-affiliated students, staff and faculty are welcome to use this space whenever the schedule is open!

Quick Start

Instruction Podium

Collab instructor podium with labels identifying the Crestron panel, input panel, AVervision document camera, height adjustment, blu-ray, and computer


The instruction podium in the Collab has everything needed for a successful presentation:

  • Crestron panel to power on/off the projector/televisions, select the source for the projector, switch display modes and control the volume.
  • Input panel (two USB ports, HDMI/VGA inputs and a 3.5mm audio jack).
  • Media sources (CDDVDBlu-ray, and cable TV).
  • AVerVision document camera with 12X optical zoom and full HD.
  • Convenient podium height adjustment (34 inches to 42 inches).


Starting the System

  1. Wake up the Crestron panel (if it is dark) by touching the screen; the University of Dayton logo will display on the panel with the text "Touch to Begin."
  2. Touch the screen (again).
  3. Touch Standard Mode to display the same content on all screens or touch Teaming Mode to allow the TVs to display separately. The mode can be changed anytime by touching the Room Mode Selection button.
    Crestron touch panel displaying a standard mode button and teaming mode button.
  4. You should now see the following screen on the Crestron.
    Collab podium Crestron with labels for the power, source, settings and volume.
    1. Touch Power On/Off at the top left to turn on the projector and televisions and lower the projector screen; the projector will take a minute or so to warm up.
    2. Touch the Source button of the content you wish to display from the center collection of buttons.
      1. Source: PC — To use the podium computer as the source, select PC as the source and log in with your UD credentials.
      2. Source: Podium Plate HDMI — To use a laptop as the source, follow the Using a Laptop instructions.
      3. Source: Bluray Player — Follow the Using the Blu-ray Player instructions.
      4. Source: Doc Camera — Follow the Using the Document Camera instructions.
      5. Source: Cable TV — Follow the Using Cable TV instructions.
    3. (Optional) Touch the appropriate Settings button from the left column of buttons if you selected Blu-ray Player or Cable TV.
    4. Adjust the Volume on the Crestron panel with the up/down buttons on the top right side of the touch panel. Mute and unmute the audio by touching the speaker icon between the volume up/down buttons.
    5. If you are presenting slides:


Shutting the System Down

  1. Touch Power On/Off at the top left of the Crestron panel to turn off the projector and televisions and raise the projector screen.
  2. Sign out of the podium computer; please do not shut down the computer.

Standard Mode vs Teaming Mode

The Collab space can be used in "Standard Mode" or "Teaming Mode." When starting the system via the Crestron touch panel, you will be prompted to select between these options. You can switch modes by touching the Room Mode Selection button at the bottom right of the Crestron touch panel.

  • Standard Mode: All screens will display the same content. This mode is perfect for presentations as it provides another viewing option for individuals seated further from the projector screen.
  • Teaming Mode: Each screen can display independently. Use this option when you have teams working on individual tasks. Content can be displayed on each wall-mounted television through the input panel below the television. HDMI, VGA and 3.5mm audio inputs are available. View the Using Teaming Mode instructions discussed in a later section.

Using Teaming Mode

  1. On the Crestron panel, touch Room Mode Selection and then touch Teaming Mode.
    Crestron touch panel displaying the source selection screen with the room mode selection highlighted and the teaming mode selected on the next screen.
  2. On the wall-mounted Crestron panel below each television, press the appropriate source button for the input you wish to use. These controls and inputs are only functional when Teaming Mode is active. Come to the first-floor Hello Desk to check out a cable if you don't have one.
    Crestron control and input panels for the Collab wall-mounted TVs. The source control buttons in the middle row are highlighted.
  3. If you want to change back to Standard Mode, change the mode from the podium Crestron touch panel (see Step 1) and then touch the source you wish to use.

Using the Blu-ray Player

  1. Wake up the Crestron panel (if it is dark) by touching the screen; the University of Dayton logo will display on the panel with the text "Touch to Begin."
  2. Touch the screen (again).
  3. Touch the Power On/Off button to turn on external displays and lower projector screens (if available).
  4. Touch the Bluray Player source button near the center of the Crestron touchscreen.
  5. Touch the Bluray Player Controls button on the left side of the Crestron touchscreen.
  6. Open the podium cabinet (if available) to access the disc tray for the next step.
    Two podium cabinets with labels for the Blu-ray, cable TV, and computer.
  7. Touch the Disc Eject button on the podium Crestron panel, insert the CD/DVD/Blu-ray and touch Disc Eject again to close the tray. If the tray does not open, touch the Power On/Off and try again.
    Crestron touch panel displaying the Blu-ray player controls with volume controls on the right side.
  8. Continue to use the Bluray Player Controls to play the CD/DVD/Blu-ray and adjust the volume as needed.

Using Cable TV

  1. Wake up the Crestron panel (if it is dark) by touching the screen; the University of Dayton logo will display on the panel with the text "Touch to Begin."
  2. Touch the screen (again).
  3. Touch the Power On/Off button to turn on external displays and lower projector screens (if available).
  4. Touch the Cable TV source button near the center of the touchscreen.
  5. Touch the Cable TV Controls button on the left side of the touchscreen.
  6. Enter the desired channel and adjust the volume as necessary. View the cable TV channel line-up that the University of Dayton provides.
    Crestron touch panel displaying the cable TV controls with volume controls on the right side.

Using the Document Camera (AVerVision M70)

Refer to the AVerVision M70 User Manual for advanced usage and additional details.

  1. Wake up the Crestron panel (if it is dark) by touching the screen; the University of Dayton logo will display on the panel with the text "Touch to Begin."
  2. Touch the screen (again).
  3. Touch the Power On/Off button to turn on external displays and lower projector screens (if available).
  4. Touch the Doc Camera source button on the podium Crestron panel (top right button).
  5. (Optional) In special use cases, change the built-in modes accessible through the on-screen display menu (press the MENU button on the device's base).
    AVerVision M70 on-screen display menu with the different modes label with numbers 1 through 6.
    1. Sharp — Text appears more visible.
    2. Graphics — Adjusts the gradient of the image.
    3. Motion — Increases frame rate.
    4. Microscope — Automatically adjusts optical zoom for microscopic viewing.
    5. Macro — Use when the subject is 2-4 inches ( 5-10 cm) from the camera.
    6. Infinite — Use when the subject is at least 31.5 inches (80cm) from the camera.
  6. The image below describes the various buttons on the base of the device.
    Diagram of the AVerVision M70 control panel with buttons labeled 1 through 13.
    1. MENU — Open and exit the on-screen display menu.
    2. RECORDING — Start/Stop audio and video recording. Recordings can be saved on an SD card or a USB flash drive.
    3. CAP/DEL — Capture picture in Camera mode. In continuous capture mode, press this button again to stop. In Playback mode, this button will delete the selected picture/video.
    4. PLAYBACK — View and playback captured still images and audio video files.
    5. FREEZE / STOP — Pause or resume image display in Camera mode. Stop audio and video playback in Playback mode.
    6. Built-in Microphone — Record audio automatically when recording video clips.
    7. CAMERA / PC — Switch between Camera and Computer.
    8. Directional Pad — Pan and zoom-in image in live and playback mode. Select options in the on-screen display menu. Up/Down to increase and decrease video playback volume. Left/Right to play the video backward and forward. Move the Spotlight frame and Visor screen cover.
    9. ZOOM IN — Increase the image magnification in camera and picture playback mode.
    10. ZOOM OUT — Decrease the image magnification in camera and picture playback mode.
    11. ENTER — Make a selection in Playback mode and the on-screen display menu. Start/Pause video playback.
    12. AUTO FOCUS — Adjust the focus automatically.
    13. LAMP — Turn the overhead light on/off.

Using a Laptop

  1. Wake up the Crestron panel (if it is dark) by touching the screen; the University of Dayton logo will display on the panel with the text "Touch to Begin."
  2. Touch the screen (again).
  3. Touch the Power On/Off button to turn on external displays and lower projector screens (if available).
  4. Connect the laptop to the HDMI port of the input panel located behind the podium monitor. If you need a cable or adapter, come to the first-floor Hello Desk to check one out.
    Collab instructor podium input panel with inputs for VGA, 3.5mm audio, HDMI, USB, and LAN.
  5. On the Crestron panel, change the source and adjust the volume.
    Crestron touch panel displaying the home screen with the source options and volume controls highlighted.
    1. Touch the source button labeled with either Podium Plate HDMI or HDMI. The sources available may differ from room to room; two examples are shown above.
    2. Adjust the volume for the source.
  6. If you need audio from the laptop, check that the sound output is not muted and is set to use the Crestron device.
    Volume output set to the Crestron device for both Windows 11 on the left and Windows 10 on the right.
  7. Follow the Automated Captioning instructions if presenting or using Zoom.
  8. (Optional) Follow the Presenter View instructions to use this mode while presenting.

Using only the TV

Follow these steps to use a single TV or multiple TVs individually without powering the projector.

  1. Wake up the Crestron panel (if it is dark) by touching the screen; the University of Dayton logo will display on the panel with the text "Touch to Begin."
  2. Touch the screen (again).
  3. Touch Teaming Mode.
  4. Go to the wall-mounted Crestron panel below the TV you want to use.
    Non-touchscreen Crestron control panel with the power, source, and volume controls highlighted.
    1. Press Display Power at the top left of the panel to turn on the TV.
    2. Press the appropriate Source button.
      • Connect your laptop to the VGA/HDMI port below the Crestron panel. 
      • Control the cable TV channel using the CH- and CH+ buttons on the first row.
      • NOTE: CD/DVD/Blu-ray content is controlled from the podium. See Using the Blu-ray Player for more information.
    3. Adjust the Volume on the Crestron panel with the volume knob. The LED lights indicate the current volume level.
  5. When finished, press Display Power to turn off the TV.
  6. On the podium Crestron panel, touch Room Mode Selection and then Standard Mode so the room is ready for the next user. The Crestron panel will go to sleep after a moment of inactivity.
    Crestron touch panel displaying the source selection screen with the room mode selection highlighted and the teaming mode selected on the next screen.
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