UDit has a thorough guide on how to connect to the campus wifi network: https://udayton.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1868/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=46750
There are two wireless networks available at UD: Eduroam and UDconnect.
Eduroam is the preferred network for UD users because it is encrypted and (likely) faster.
UDconnect is the network used for guests and visitors. Eduroam requires a one-time installation of software called Secure W2 in order to connect. The guide above provides instructions links to the downloads for both Windows and Mac computers.
University of Dayton’s VDI allows you to connect to a virtual computer that looks and acts like a computer on campus.
Staff may use VDI to connect remotely to their office computers while working off campus. Or, they may use it to connect to apps that require an on-campus connection such as Banner, Cognos, or FoxIt PDF Editor
Students may use VDI to access specially licensed software that cannot be installed locally on their own computers.
UDit has a helpful article on installing and using VDI on their UDit knowledge base.