The library uses a tool called LibInsight to track all customer service interactions at the Information Point service desk.
Please record all questions or requests for support using the EID - Information Point Form at
When filling out the form, please follow these guidelines:
Directional questions inquire about where something is located. This might include something as simple as "where are the bathrooms" or something less obvious like "where can I find a computer with video editing software?" It might also require you to consult a map or directory. Questions about supply requests (including media supplies) or lost and found items fall into this category as well.
Technical questions require some technical assistance or guidance. The most common technical questions will be about how to print. Other questions might include accessing wifi, accessing electronic databases from off-campus, and sometimes troubleshooting problems. You will generally have to go to the computer to answer the question.
Reference questions are related to research, academic work, citing sources, and providing basic information about the library or other places on campus. If you consult a resource in the binder, from the UD website, the Library catalog, or Google, we consider that a reference question.
*Note that this would be referred to a librarian or staff member
We use the LibInsight form to track the majority of issues that come to the Information Point service desk. However, sometimes there are IT-related issues that require assistance from Library IT staff or from UDit. In these cases, we use TeamDynamix to track and communicate these issues.
TeamDynamix is the ticketing system used by UD to track IT requests, incidents, or questions of a technical nature. You will use this system to log any questions, issues, or problems that come up during your shift that require assistance from the Library IT team or UDit. The ISDA team will be notified any time you open a new ticket in TeamDynamix.
Open the University Libraries’ IT Support Request form and click Request Service
You will be prompted to login using your UD username and password if you are not already signed into TeamDynamix.
The form contains 5 fields:
Subject - Enter a brief description of the issue or request
Requestor - Enter the name of the person making the request. If you do not think they will want to receive email updates about the ticket, you can just enter your own name here.
What’s the best way to contact you? - Enter the email address of the person making the request, or your own address submitting the ticket under your name
Description - Enter a detailed description of the request, question, or issue
Attachment - Attach any relevant documents, such as screenshots, spreadsheets, etc.
An email will automatically be sent to the requestor and to the members of ISDA.
Requests in TeamDynamix are managed within the TDNext application. There are two ways to begin work on a request after submission:
All members of ISDA receive an email notification for all new Library service requests. That email contains a link to the request in TDNext. Click on the link to open the ticket.
Within TDNext, you have a Desktop that can be customized to display ISDA requests. This can include open, unassigned, or tickets assigned to you. Click on the title of the request to open the ticket.
Once you have opened the ticket, click on Actions > Take Service Request
This will assign the ticket to you. Then click Actions > Update
If the request can be addressed immediately and closed, then change New Status to Closed and add a comment in the Comment box to provide an update on what was done to address the request. Please be as detailed as possible so that others on the team can learn from your solutions.
If the request will take some time to investigate before closing, change the New Status to In Process and add a comment in the Comment box to acknowledge receipt of the request and to let the requestor know you will communicate updates on the status of their request when more information is available.
In both cases, scroll down to the Notify field and select the requestor’s name from the list. If you want to inform the other members of the ISDA team of your updates, you can also select Library (Reviewing Group) as well.
Then click Save.
An email notification containing your comments and status update will be sent to those you selected in the Notify field.
Continue to provide updates in the Comments field as you continue to work on the request until it is resolved.