Your safety is YOUR responsibility. Others' safety is THEIR responsibility.
Go OUT, not UP.
When evacuation of the building is required by Public Safety, please follow directions given by Public Safety personnel.
The following website gives up to date information on weather emergencies and University emergency procedures:
1. You are responsible to know who is the person in charge of the building at the time you are working, whether that is a staff member or Student Supervisor.
2. If the order is given to evacuate, please take your phone and leave the building immediately.
3. Go to the St Mary's Hall porch. When you get there, contact the person in charge to let them know you are safely out.
4. Stay in place and wait for further instructions.
Report any emergency to Public Safety and a library staff member. If in doubt, call Public Safety at 92121
This includes situations in which a library visitor behaves inappropriately or makes you or others feel uncomfortable.
**In the case of a patron viewing inappropriate material on the computer, or behaving inappropriately alone or with others, you do NOT need to confront the patron. Call public safety immediately.**
There are panic buttons located at each desk (see photos below). Pushing this button will bring Public Safety to the library immediately. If you feel the need to push this button, you WILL NOT get into trouble. The library trusts your judgement that it needed to be pushed.
If you push the button by mistake, call Public Safety IMMEDIATELY and explain. Then send an email to Elizabeth Jacobs ( and Amanda Black ( letting them know what happened. It is critically important that you do this!