Once the tallest human construction in the world, the gothic choir of the Cathédrale de Beauvais stood 502 feet high in 1569. Read about the artisans as they built the structure and watched its partial collapse - twice. The building has never been completed.
By William N. Kama, Louis T. Pope, Ph.D, and D. Frederick Baker (1964)
In our archives you can read full research reports written more than 50 years ago. This study, performed in 1964 at the Human Engineering Division of Wright-Patt's Behavioral Sciences Laboratory, looked at whether or not sounds helped people perform tasks.
“A very curious work, very useful to anyone eager to learn”— according to the publisher of this Italian translation. An ephemeris provides data for use by astrologers, historians, or anyone interested in investigating cyclical change through history.
Edited by Yota Batsaki, Sarah Burke Cahalan, Anatole Tchikine (2016)
Investigate the cultural, economic, and political significance of plants in an era of exploration, new scientific agendas, experimentation, and trade in botanical specimens.
In 1964 the field of Human Factors Engineering was having growing pains. Christensen says, "Engineering psychology is now in its late 'teens' and, in my opinion, is facing problems rather forbidding for a profession so young."
At the time of remarkable discoveries in the structure and transmutation of atoms and the Curies’ investigations on radioactivity, the German chemistry society’s journal Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft was publishing cutting edge scholarship. We have a complete set of its more than 75 years in print.