The following list contains relevant e-book collections for STEM and biomedical disciplines. UD Libraries does not provide access to all of the e-book titles within these packages, but we do provide access to many of them. Each individual collection can be browsed by selecting the title link (for example "APA Books," "ASM Handbooks Online," etc). Note: the individual e-books found within these packages can also be discovered via the UD Library catalog.
Browse full-text APA books, classic books, and entries from the Encyclopedia of Psychology.
This is the repository industry standards and technical information produced by ASTM International. Content includes books, articles, technical papers, and conference proceedings.
E-books in subjects including earth and planetary sciences, engineering and computing, life and biological sciences, medical sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences.
Physics, materials science, biosciences, astronomy and astrophysics, environmental sciences, mathematics and education research articles and conference papers. Also includes over 90 e-books
Contains scholarly and reference electronic books purchased by Ohio academic libraries
Provides unlimited online access to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5, Spanish edition of the Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5, Psychiatric Services, Psychiatric News, and The American Journal of Psychiatry.
Contains scholarly journals & e-books published by Springer in science, technology, and medicine, as well as social sciences and humanities, & business and economics.