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E-Books at the University of Dayton

How to find and access e-books (and print books) at the University of Dayton.

O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform

O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform (also referred to as Safari Books Online) provides over 30,000 electronic books in computer science, information technology, and related subjects from two major publishers, O'Reilly & Associates and Pearson Technology Associates. For access, O'Reilly Safari is unique: unlike other e-book collections at UD, Safari does not rely on your campus-wide credentials for access; instead, users are only required to provide their UD email. Note that the Safari interface can prove confusing for initial access, so please follow the steps below to gain access. Also included on this page is an overview of how to access individual e-books within this vast collection.

How to Access O'Reilly Safari E-Books at UD

  • To access e-books in the O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform, visit the following url - Once on this page, the prompt below should appear. Select the link labeled "Institution not listed?" (as circled below). Selecting this link is required because the University of Dayton is not listed in the dropdown menu of institutions.
Capture of Safari online books access step 1\
  • Upon clicking the "Institution not listed?" link, the following page should appear, prompting you to enter your academic email. Make sure you enter your email in this field and then click the "Let's Go" button:
 Capture of Safari online books access step of where to click
  • Entering your UD email should cause the page to refresh and show the following screen welcoming you to the O'Reilly Learning Platform. Click the "Got It" button circled below:
Capture of Safari online books access step 3
  • You should now be in the platform with full access to the over 30K titles. In the example below, an e-book on C++ was selected. To access the full-text of this title (or any other title in the platform) hit the "Start" button beneath the e-book cover:
Capture of Safari online books access step 4
  • This button should open the book and allow you to read it within the browser. Note that Safari e-books are only available to read online.
Capture of Safari online books access step 5
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