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News Reading and Writing

This guide provides links to University of Dayton's campus subscriptions to various news sources and the AP Stylebook.

Subscription Wizard

Become a University of Dayton Subscription Wizard in less than five minutes!

Proceed below to create accounts for free and easy access to premium online news and news apps. UD Subscription Wizards make monthly article limitations disappear and defeat dreaded paywalls for:

  • The Wall Street Journal
  • The New York Times
  • Dayton Daily News
  • Rolling Stone, Vogue, Forbes, Wired and more with Flipster magazines

Sign up for as many as you wish and share with others campuswide; these free subscriptions are a service of the University Libraries.

Let the magic begin!

Top 3 Free Subscriptions

Current University of Dayton faculty, staff and students can create free accounts for:

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