To satisfy OhioLINK's minimum requirements for digital accessibility in a PDF, OhioLINK has suggested we go to Accessibility Checker Options in Adobe and check the following boxes for the accessibility check.
Checking Options
Category dropdown:
Check the following:
Page content
Forms, Table and Lists
Alternate Text and Headings
Check the following option:
These resources are designed to help students meet the OhioLINK Recommended Minimum Requirements for digital document accessibility, established for ETDs published after January 31, 2023. (Please note that these recommendations may change over time.) University of Dayton students are required to make their ETD documents accessible at least according to the OhioLINK minimum recommendations. Students are also required to submit a separate Accessibility Report document to demonstrate that applicable accessibility standards have been met. The Accessibility Report will be reviewed by Graduate Academic Affairs staff. Both the final ETD and the Accessibility Report must be uploaded to the OhioLINK ETD database prior to graduation.
For further assistance students may reach out to the Office of Learning Resources (OLR), or to one of their designated Unit Digital Accessibility Coordinators (consult with your departmental or dean’s office) for support.
Make your Word documents accessible to people with disabilities
Create accessible PDFs (in Microsoft Word)
Make accessible documents in Foxit PDF Editor
LaTeX Template with Accessibility Update - Zip File (provided by the School of Engineering)
LaTex Thesis Template for UD (accessible from Overleaf)
Accessing Foxit on UD's Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Sensus Access (Software that transforms a document into an accessible format)
Accessibility Tip: The Essentials of Document Accessibility
LEARN: Accessible Documents (Center for Online Learning)
Digital Accessibility Resources for the OhioLINK ETD Center
WebAIM: Microsoft Word - Creating Accessible Documents
NCDAE (National Center on Disability and Access to Education) Word Cheatsheets