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Mendeley is a free bibliographic/citation management application. Mendeley has both a desktop and online version that can be synced together. To access all of the tools provided within Mendeley you will need both applications. 

Mendeley is easy to use and will allow you to:

  • Collect, organize, and share citations
  • Easily insert your citations into an Microsoft Word or OpenOffice document
  • Format bibliographies quickly to many different styles
  • Drag and drop PDFs utilizing up to 2GB of free web storage
  • View, highlight, and annotate PDFs either by yourself or via an online group
  • Create a searchable directory of citations that includes descriptive data and your own notes
  • And much more



External Quick Start Guides 

Using Mendeley with Microsoft Word to Create In-Text Citations

Creating Reference Sections and Bibliographies  

Getting Citation Information from Article Databases

     UDiscover and Other EBSCO databases

     Web of Science


     Google Scholar


General Quick Start Help


   See the Mendeley online user guide for helpful information about using Mendeley on your particular platform.

   See the Mendeley online video guide for helpful demonstrations


Using Mendeley with Microsoft Office or OpenOffice


Creating In-Text citations using Mendeley with Microsoft Word


Mendeley plugin menu

Step 1: Download the Word plugin from Mendeley (located in the "Tools" menu of Mendeley Desktop)


Mendeley menu in Microsoft Word

Step 2: Open your Microsoft Word document. Using the References tab select the citation style that you wish to use (such as APA, MLA, etc.). You can change your citation style easily and at any time.


Step 3: When you come to a place where you want to insert your in-text citation select the "Insert Citation" icon in the Word "References" tab. 


Step 4: After selecting "Insert Citation" a window will open which will allow you to search for the citation within Mendeley . You can easily insert several citations at a time from your Mendeley library.


Creating a Reference Section (or Bibliography) Using Mendeley and Microsoft Word


Step 1: Download the Word plugin from Mendeley (located in the "Tools" menu of Mendeley Desktop)  (see steps above).


Step 2: Insert your in-text citations (see steps above).


Step 3: Within the References tab in Microsoft Word select your preferred bibliographic style (such as APA, MLA, etc.) (see steps above).


Mendeley insert bibliography

Step 4: Go to the area in your paper where you would like to insert your reference section and click "Insert Bibliography." Your bibliography, which includes all of your in-text citations, will appear.


Step 5: Verify that all of your references were exported in a correct format (remember the principles of "garbage in - garbage out").


Getting Citation Information from Article Databases


From UDiscover or other EBSCO Databases


Importing EBSCO citations into Mendeley

Step 1: From an individual record in UDiscover, click the Export button on the right side of the screen.

Step 2: Choose from the "Save citations to a file formatted for" menu the option Direct Export in RIS Format . Click Save and a .ris file will be downloaded to your computer.

Step 3: In Mendeley, click the Add Files button in the top left corner.  Choose the newly downloaded file, then click Open.  The citation is now a part of your citation library.

Note: These instructions will work any other database with the EBSCO interface. 



From Web of Science


Exporting citations through Web of Science

Step 1: In Web of Science, select files you wish to add to Mendeley. 

Step 2: Click on the dropdown box labeled, Save to Other File For...

Step 3: Select Save to Other File Formats.


Exporting citation file from Web of Science
Step 4: Next, under File Format, select BibTex; a .bib file will be created. 

Step 5: In Mendeley, click the Add Files button in the top left corner.  Choose the newly downloaded file, then click Open. The citation is now a part of your citation library.


From PubMed


Exporting citations using PubMed

Step 1: In PubMed, choose the article you wish to add to Mendeley. In the upper right corner click Send to: drop arrow.

Step 2: Under Choose Destination, click Citation manager.  Then click Create File; a .nbib file wil be downloaded to your computer.

Step 3: In Mendeley, click the Add Files button in the top left corner.  Choose the newly downloaded file, then click Open.  The citation is now a part of your citation library.


From Google Scholar


Using Google Scholar to export citations

Step 1: In Google Scholar find the article you wish to add to Mendeley.  Click the Cite button under its description.  


Saving citation from Google Scholar
Step 2: At the bottom of the Cite box that appears, click RefMan; a .ris file will be downloaded to your computer.

Step 3: In Mendeley, click the Add Files button in the top left corner.  Choose the newly downloaded file, then click Open.  The citation is now a part of your citation library.


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