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EDC 568

What does "Scholarly/Academic" mean?

A scholarly article is one that generally contributes additional knowledge to or demonstrates original research within a particular field. These articles do not report about events, but instead analyze and comment about events.

Indicators of a scholarly article:

--Evidence of research, which can include either footnotes or a bibliography.
--Evidence of expertise, as indicated in the author's credentials.
--Explanation of research methodology.
--Fairly plain journal format. Few photographs or illustrations, mostly charts or graphs. Few advertisements.

REMEMBER:  The word “Journal” in the title is NOT an indicator that you are looking at a scholarly journal. 

Checking for Peer Review in the EBSCO interface

Follow these steps to determine if a journal publishes peer-reviewed articles.

1.  Go to the JOURNALS BY TITLE button on the library website and type in the journal name

2.  If the results include Education Research Complete, SocIndex or Academic Search Complete, click on the link

3.  Review the record.  Look for the Peer Reviewed line at the bottom; if the notation is "YES," then the journal publishes peer-reviewed articles.

Understanding EBSCO icons

You will see images in databases from the EBSCO company, but they mean different things depending on what database you are using.

Education Research Complete and many other databases use this icon to signify Academic Journal (which contain peer-reviewed articles).




Education Research Complete and many other databases use this icon to identify Periodical sources (which are not peer reviewed).








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