This page provides links to stand-alone assignments grouped by t-shirt size:
- SMALL: An easily accessible digital tool is used to substitute or augment a previously 'analog' component of the curriculum. Likely to require little or no change to course content, delivery, and schedule.
- MEDIUM: Assignments are revised to incorporate digital tools as a core component of student work and include the creation of a digital product as an alternative to a previous assignment. May include some training and skill development and updates to course schedule and curriculum.
- LARGE: Semester-long assignments, such as theses, research projects, and capstones, in which the creation of a digital product suited for public consumption is the core student output. Will likely include training, skill development, and curricular structuring.
This is a brief snapshot to provide an example of assignments at varying levels of complexity. Each linked assignment includes a note about assignment format and included materials, and has been made available by its creator for reuse or repurposing.