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MGT 410

APA 7 Citation Style Guide

APA 7 is the citation style most commonly used in business research and recommended by business librarians today - but please check with your instructor for style requirements in your assignments. APA 7 formats and examples for common cases and data from UD's provided databases are provided below. 

Annual Report Book or Book Chapter Data Sets

Figures and Tables

IBISWorld Report Journal Article
Mergent Online Mintel  News & Periodicals
SEC Filing S&P NetAdvantage Statista
Social Explorer Stock Quotes SWOT Analysis

Annual Report

Company Name. (year). Report Title. Retrieved from [URL].

Example: Snap Inc. (2022). 2022 Annual Report. Retrieved from 

Book or Book Chapter

Author, A.A. (Year of Publication). Title of Book. Publisher. DOI (if available. 

Example: Chatelain, M. (2021). Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black AmericaLiveright Publishing Corporation.

Book Chapter
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor & F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. pages of chapter). Publisher. DOI (if available)

Example: Rieder, B. & Rohle, T. (2012). Digital Methods: Five Challenges. In Berry, D.M. (Ed.), Understanding Digital Humanities (pp. 67-84). Palgrave MacMillan. 

Data Sets

Author/Data Collector. (date). Title of data set. [Description of form]. Publisher name or source of data. Retrieved [date of retrieval], from [URL].

Data Planet Example: Bureau of Economic Analysis. (July 2, 2023). Percent Change from Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product from the NIPA: Domestic Product and Income Database. [Data set].  Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration; Data Planet Statistical Datasets. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from 

Census Data Example: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). Selected Sectors: Summary Statistics for Exported Services for the U.S. (Table EC1700EXPSVC). [Data set.]. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from 

Figures and Tables

Author. (year). Title of figure/table. [Description of Form]. Title of work. URL or Database name.

Example: United Nations Development Programme. (2022). Table 2: Trends in the Human Development Index, 1990-2021. [Table]. Human Development Index.

IBISWorld Report

Author. (Publication Date). Title of report (report #). [Description].

Example - Report with AuthorMaldonado, C. (2023, January). Medical Instrument & Supply Manufacturing in the US (33911A). [US Industry (NAICS) Report].

Example - No AuthorIBISWorld. (2022, August). Specialty Food Stores in Ohio (OH44529). [US Industry State Report].

Mergent Online

Company Profile
Mergent. (n.d). Company Name. [Company profile]. Retrieved [date of retrieval], from

Example: Mergent. (n.d).  Bausch + Lomb Corporation. [Company profile]. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from

Industry Report
Author. (Date). Report Title. [Industry profile]. Retrieved [date of retrieval], from

Example: FTSE Russell. (2019, October).  Travel and Leisure North America. [Industry profile]. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from


Mintel Insights Reports
Author. (Date). Title of Report. Mintel. [URL]

ExampleBryant, C. (2023). Disposable Baby Products - US. Mintel. 

Mintel Databook Figures, Tables, and Charts
Author. (Date). Title of Report. Title of work. [URL]

ExampleMintel. (n.d.). First Time Parents. [Chart]. Disposable Baby Products - US.

Mintel Market Sizes Data Sets
Mintel. (n.d.). Title of Report. Retrieved [date of retrieval], from 

ExampleMintel. (n.d.). US - Cheese: Market segmentation by volume. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from 

Journal Articles

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.

ExampleSlade, P., Michler, J.D, & Josephson, A. (2019). Foreign Geographical Indications, Consumer Preferences, and the Domestic Market for Cheese. Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 41(3), 370-390. 

News Articles & Periodicals

Author, A. A. (Date). Title of article. Title of Periodical. URL

ExampleBernstein, D. (2023, July 11). How Top CEOs Are Navigating the U.S. - China Divide. Forbes.

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Date). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages.

Magazine Example: Schick, K. (2011, November 4). Citation obsession? Get over it!. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(11), A96.

Newspaper Example: Aulakh, R. (2012, June 13). From surviving to thriving. Toronto Star, GT1, GT4.

SEC Filing

Company Name. (year, month day). Form 10-K. Retrieved from [source].

ExampleMcDonald's Corporation. (2023, May 4). Form 10-Q. Retrieved from

S&P Net Advantage

General Report Format
Information Provider. (year). Title. [Source type]. Retrieved from S&P NetAdvantage database.

Example - S&P ReportSakraida, J. (2023, July 8). Waste Connections, Inc. [Report] . Retrieved from S&P NetAdvantage database.

Financial Report Format
Information Provider. (year). Title. Retrieved from S&P NetAdvantage database.

Example - SEC FilingThe Kraft Heinz Company. (2023, February 16). Form 10-K. Retrieved from S&P NetAdvantage database.

Company Profiles
S&P NetAdvantage. (n.d.). [Company Name] Public Company Profile. Retrieved [retrieval date] from S&P NetAdvantage database.

ExampleS&P NetAdvantage. (n.d.). Tupperware Brands Corporation Public Company Profile. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from S&P NetAdvantage database.


Source. (Date). Title of Source. [Source Type]. Retrieved from Statista. [URL].

Example (Statista Report): Statista. (2023). Food retail in the United States. [Industry Dossier]. Retrieved from Statista.

Example (Non-Statista Source): Chuck E. Cheese's. (2020). Total assets of Chuck E. Cheese's worldwide from 2007 to 2019. [Chart]. Retrieved from Statista.

Social Explorer

Data Table Name (Survey Year, Survey Name). In Retrieved [retrieval date] from [URL].

Example: TableA01001B. Age - Cumulative (More) (ACS 2019, 1-year estimate). In Retrieved July 14, 2023, from

Title of Social Explorer Map [Map]. In (Survey Year, Survey Name) Retrieved [Retrieval Date] from [URL]

Example: Population Density (Per Sq. Mile) [Map]. In ACS 2016 (5-Year Estimates) Retrieved July 25, 2018, from


Stock Exchange Name. (Date of Stock Quote). Company Name [Stock quote and chart]. Retrieved [date of retrieval] from [URL]

Example: NasdaqGS. (2023, May 15). Starbucks Corporation [Stock quote and chart]. Retrieved July 14, 2023 from

SWOT Analysis

Author. (Date). Title. Database Name. Database URL.

Example: MarketLine. (2023, June 12). Yum! Brands SWOT Analysis. Business Source Complete. 



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