A PESTEL analysis is a framework through which the external forces, developments, and trends that affect an organization, company, or industry are analyzed. A PESTEL analysis is often used to identify opportunities and threats and can inform SWOT analyses and other strategic decision-making tools and techniques.
Political Trends: governmental leadership and change; monetary, defense, tax, energy, and trade policy; tariffs; regulation trends; pressure from lobbying and political action groups; political stability and corruption
Economic trends: GDP and economic growth (current and forecasted); unemployment rates; interest and inflation rates; stock and bond markets; income stability
Social (or Social-Cultural) Trends: demographics and consumer attitudes, values, opinions, and preferences
Technological Trends: methods of producing and distributing goods and services; new innovations in products; methods of communicating with the market
Ecological (or Environmental) Trends: climate and climate change; availability or scarcity of raw materials and natural resources; pollution and carbon regulations; environmental disasters; sustainability trends
Legal Trends: federal and state laws; consumer protections; banking, product, health, tax, and safety regulations; antitrust and monopolization laws; product labeling