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Story Studio

The Story Studio is a dedicated space for media creation in the library. A streamlined, self-service recording studio, editing stations, and specialized kits offer tools to help you create your next media project in the studio or out in the field.

Upload and Submit Your Video in Isidore

Step 1: Locate your video file

If you recorded your video in the Story Studio, it will be saved to a USB flash drive.

Plug your USB flash drive into your computer. If your computer does not have a USB-A port, you can use one of the media editing stations outside the recording studio to access your file.

Your video recording will be inside a folder named "Story-Studio-YYYYMMDD-ID" where YYYYMMDD is the date and the ID is a unique identifier.

Inside the folder you will see several files. The one you will need is the .mp4 file. MP4 is a common video file format compatible with lots of different technologies. Here is an example of what the contents of the folder will look like:


Screenshot of files on a Windows desktop. An MP4 file is highlighted with a label indicating that the MP4 file is where the recording is saved


Step 2: Upload and submit your recording in Isidore

  1. Click the Assignment link in Isidore and find the input box labeled "Assignment Text."
    • IMPORTANT: Enter text to briefly identify your recording. The system won't accept a submission without text.
  2. Click the Warpwire button on the toolbar.
    Screenshot showing the editing tools within an Isidore assignment. The Warpwire button is highlighted by a red box.
  1. Click the plus (+) button to select your video file. You will then have to find where you saved the file on your computer or phone.
    Screenshot from Isidore showing how to insert a Warpwire video into an assignment
    1. Enter a descriptive title.
    2. Click the selection bubble to select your recording. This is necessary in case you have multiple uploads.
    3. Click Insert Item.
  2. Click Proceed to continue the process of submitting your assignment
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