A specialized database offering access to scholarly literature in theology and religious studies, including journal articles, essays, and book reviews.
This database is an index to scholarly journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion, including Biblical studies, world religions, Church history, and religious perspectives on social issues. Journals representing all the major religious faiths, major denominations, and numerous language groups are included. The Scriptures link in the tool bar provides a clickable index of Biblical books, chapters and verses indexed. Atla Religion Database is produced by Atla (formerly known as the American Theological Library Association), an organization dedicated to advancing the study of religion and theology. The database is the continuation of three print publications: "Religion Index One: Periodicals," "Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works," and "Index to Book Reviews in Religion."
This database offers various English translations of the Bible, providing access to scripture, study tools, and resources for deeper understanding and research.
This collection contains 21 versions of the Bible in full text, from the 10th to the 20th centuries. The editions were chosen specifically to meet the needs of scholars.
A digital archive offering access to historical Catholic publications, news articles, and resources, providing insights into Catholic life, issues, and events over time.
This full-text searchable newspaper database includes Catholic publications from around the United States from 1832 to the present. In addition to newspapers with a national perspective, there are also newspapers from the diocese of Pittsburgh and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Newark, Saint Louis, Harford, Miami, New Orleans, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. The Archive is a project of the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA), an alliance of archives and libraries collaborating in support of the mission to provide access to Catholic research resources.
Access a wide range of Catholic-related materials, including articles, documents, and media on theology, history, and Catholic practice for research and study.
This resource provides access to rare, unique, and/or uncommon materials in libraries, seminaries, special collections, and archives. Formats include manuscripts, books, ephemera, photographs, and artifacts. Collecting themes include Catholic Diocesan Collections, including papers of bishops; Catholic Education; Catholic Intellectual Life; Catholic Literary Figures; Catholic Liturgy & Devotion; Catholic Men's Religious Orders; Catholic Missions; Catholic Peacebuilding; Catholic Social Action; Catholic Women's Religious Orders; Catholicism & Citizenship; and Vatican II.
A product of a partnership between Atla and Boston College, this database is a research and bibliographic aid for religion and theology scholars, librarians, clergy and students of the New Testament and its historical milieu. More than 1100 journals are indexed.
A product of a partnership between Atla and the Catholic Biblical Association, this database features indexing and abstracts for religion and theology journal articles, monographs, multi-author works and software related to Old Testament studies. Covers an array of subjects including antiquities, archaeology, biblical theology and philology.
Religion & Philosophy Collection is a full-text database for theology and philosophy research. It includes access to more than 100 full-text journals and magazines covering many religious and philosophical topics, including world religions, religious history, political philosophy and philosophy of language.
This collection contains the comprehensive hagiographical records of saints, featuring biographies, historical texts, and religious significance from the early church to modern times.
This collection of documents recounts the exemplary lives, deaths, miracles, and other deeds of saints of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as major historical moments in their subsequent veneration, providing a principal source for research into the societies and cultures of early Christian and Medieval Europe. These texts were published over a period of 300 (1643 to 1940) years by the Société des Bollandistes.
A database focusing on the history of the United States and Canada, providing access to scholarly articles, book reviews, and dissertations on various historical topics and periods.
This index of scholarly literature on United States and Canadian history and culture covers prehistoric times to the present. The database includes citations for journal articles, book and media reviews, and dissertations. Subject areas covered include history, anthropology, art, cultural studies, genealogy, literature & folklore, popular culture, sociology, women's and gender studies, geography, political science, and more. This is the electronic continuation of the print index "America: History and Life," published by ABC-CLIO.
A database indexing scholarly literature in the arts and humanities, providing citation information and access to articles, books, and conference proceedings from 1975 to present.
This Web of Science resource indexes 1,800+ of the world's leading arts and humanities journals from 1975 to the present. Subjects covered include the arts, humanities, language and linguistics, poetry, music, classical works, history, oriental studies, philosophy, archaeology, architecture, religion, television, theater, and radio. Coverage includes articles, letters, editorials, meeting abstracts, errata, poems, short stories, plays, music scores, excerpts from books, chronologies, bibliographies and filmographies, as well as citations to reviews of books, films, music, and theatrical performances.
Contains information about life in 17th and 18th century America, including agriculture, foreign affairs, diplomacy, literature, music, religion, the Revolutionary War, and witchcraft. Content from the bibliography of Charles Evans and Roger Bristol's Supplement.
Full text of nearly every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and British North America from the beginning of printing in England (1473) through 1700.
These indices provide access to more than 20 millions references (articles, patents, maps, conferences, books, reports and thesis) in exact sciences and technology, in biological and medical sciences, in art, archaeology, economics, ethnology, geography, history of science and technology, literature, linguistics, administrative and legal sciences, education and religion sciences. Holdings run from 1972 to 2015 and full text is identified when available.
Provides coverage of all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought. This includes full-text journals, books and other published humanities sources from around the world.
Indexes books and articles pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). (Formally known as Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance)
Archive of over 12 million full-text articles, books, images (additional resources now included from Artstor), and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Limited recent content.
Full text doctoral dissertations, masters' theses and undergraduate honors theses from Ohio colleges and universities, including the University of Dayton. Users may search the full text of these publications or browse by institution, department, or author.
Produced by the Philosopher’s Information Center, this bibliographic database covers scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. More than 1800 indexed journals covering all fields of philosophy and related disciplines and features research published since 1940.
Indexes doctoral dissertations and master's theses from over 1,000 North American and European universities with coverage from 1861. Also includes abstracts, 24 page previews, & the option to purchase the full text.
Religious and theological abstracts (1958-2008). Provides objective summaries of articles appearing in scholarly journals in the fields of religion and theology.