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Types of GIS Data

GIS data can be collected or developed in different ways and how it is exsist and works with GIS systems can vary. For example, coordinates, addresses, ZIP codes, census track blocks and more are all types of data. Data formats can vary as well. For example, there are data file formats in the form of numeric data, raster, and vector. Below are the three main types of GIS data.

Numeric Data

Numeric data primarily exists in some sort of spreadsheet form and is organized by columns, representing specific variables of data. Rows convey the entirely of each individual record or item. For example, each row in the example below contains the date, time, location and magnitude of earthquakes within the forth quarter of 2019. 



Image courtesy of esri

Raster Data

Raster data is combination of cells that form a matrix with each cell representing information or values.  Raster data can orginate from scanned images, aerial photographs, satellities, and more.  Typical file formats include JPG, PNG, TIF or GIF.  For example, the image below is an example of raster data taken from a scanned image of Dayton's Flood of 1913, indicating where the floods impacted the city of Dayton. 


Image courtesy of Dayton Metro Library

Vector Data

Vector data is represented in the form of lines, points, and polygons, They are useful in illustrating areas that have assigned boundaries such as borders, streets, parcels, etc. Most common formats include shapefiles. Below is an example of zipcode boundaries within the city of Dayton. 


Image courtesy of the US Census 

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