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Inclusive Pedagogy

Inclusive Pedagogy at UD

The University of Dayton's religious and civil traditions affirm the inviolable dignity of each person. Recognition of and respect for the person are central to our life as a Christian and education community and are what allow us to pursue our common mission while being many diverse persons.

As part of its ongoing Commitment to Community, the University of Dayton has identified Ten things faculty can do to Advance Inclusive Excellence and Anti-racism in the Classroom, including #9, "Utilize Existing UD Resources." In addition to those listed on this page, relevant resources have been linked on subsequent pages. The UD community is welcome and invited to suggest additional resources, guides, or any other relevant information by contacting

Many of the materials in the Inclusive Pedagogy Resources at UD box below have been generously shared by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and the instructors and other members of the UD community who have shared their experiences and expertise through workshops. 

Inclusive Pedagogy Resources at UD

Training and Development

In the Classroom

Centers and Offices

Additional support, resources, and suggestions can be found in conversation with 

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