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Inclusive Pedagogy

About This Guide

This guide is intended to provide information and practical tools to assist in implementing inclusive pedagogy practices at the University of Dayton in its commitment to inclusive excellence. This is a living guide and unavoidably reflects the biases of its contributors, while being a guide intended for the full University of Dayton community. As such, feedback and comments are encouraged, and the UD community is welcome to suggest resources, guides, or any other information relevant to inclusive pedagogy by contacting

This guide is built on the work of many others who are active in conversations around Inclusive Pedagogy, and in addition to many links to external guides, we acknowledge and appreciate the community of work around this conversation that contributed to the development of this guide. 

What is Inclusive Pedagogy?

Inclusion  is the process and practice of active, intentional and sustained engagement of each person in the community that values and respects their perspectives, multiple identities, experiences and contributions (from University of Dayton's Office of Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan definitions). Inclusive pedagogy integrates this process and practice intentionally structuring classroom materials, teaching practices, and assessment to be inclusive of each person in the class.

This requires going beyond addressing what we are teaching about inclusion to how we must change our daily instruction to acknowledge the perspectives and identities of each individual and how it shapes their experiences and contributions in the classroom in order to foster successful learning experiences for all. These resources are a starting point, but it will be the continued work and effort that builds your inclusive approach to pedagogy.

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