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Computer Science Graduate Program

Resources for Masters and PhD Computer Science students writing a thesis or dissertation


This guide is designed for Masters and PhD Computer Science students to help build and manage a personal library of research papers.

The guide is organized into four sections:

  1. Find Research Papers
  2. Get Access to Full-Text
  3. Manage References
  4. Evaluate Scholarly Impact

The University Libraries are available for help and consultation in person, via phone, email, text, and chat. View the Help page for more information.

Register for an ORCID ID

The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) has become the standard identification method used by researchers.

ORCID is a non-profit agency that provides a unique alphanumeric code used to identify scholars. ORCIDs are valuable because they connect all of a researcher’s output regardless of changes to the author’s name or affiliation. By having all of the scholar’s output linked together their output is more easily quantifiable. Anyone can create an ORCID for free. 


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