Technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics, including journals, conference papers, and standards.
This digital platform provides access to scientific and technical content published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and its publishing partners including the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). Included are more than 6 million documents and other materials from some of the world's most cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science, and related sciences. Content comprises research articles, conference papers, technical standards, transactions, journals and magazines, books and book chapters, and online educational courses. Via IEEE Xplore, the IEEE Journal Archive provides full-text perpetual access to more than 100 years of IEEE legacy content from leading IEEE journals and magazines published between 1884 and 1999. In addition to current IEEE conference proceedings, users have access to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Archive Complete Set, covering 1936 to 1999.
A freely accessible search engine providing scholarly articles, theses, books, and conference papers across various disciplines, facilitating academic research and citation tracking.
This database searches across a wide range of scholarly literature from around the world, including journals, books, theses, dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. Sources include academic publishers, professional societies, university repositories, and other scholarly websites. Subject areas include agriculture, plant, & animal sciences; anthropology; art, art history, & architecture; biological, biomedical, and pharmaceutical sciences; childhood studies, communication; computer and library & information science; criminal justice; East Asian studies; engineering; geography; health professions; linguistics; math & statistics; nursing; patents & trademarks; planning, public policy, & public administration; psychology & behavioral sciences; public health; social work; sociology; and urban studies.
A search tool with a Google-like relevancy ranking to help you retrieve all types of research sources with one search.
This search tool lets you retrieve all types of research sources with one search, simultaneously searching the UD catalog, OhioLINK catalog, and many of the online resources available through the University Libraries, in addition to institutional repositories and open-access resources. With UDiscover, you can access millions of journal articles, e-books, dissertations, conference proceedings, newspaper articles, videos, and primary sources. If you're looking for a variety of sources on your topic, or you're just getting started, UDiscover can help you access more information at once than ever before. It has a Google-like relevancy ranking, but helps you locate scholarly resources.
A digital library providing access to a wide range of scholarly journals across various disciplines, supporting research and academic inquiry for users in Ohio and beyond.
This full text searchable database has electronic journal articles from more than 11,000 academic journals from top scholarly publishers, academic societies and university presses. The EJC covers a wide range of disciplines and contains just published scientific research as well as historical journal articles. Browse subject areas including Agriculture, Art & Music, Education, Language & Literature, Law, Library & Information Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Military Science, North American Studies & History, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Political Science, Sciences, Social Science, Technology & Engineering, and World Studies & History.
A digital repository providing access to theses and dissertations from Ohio universities, supporting research and scholarship across various academic disciplines.
This collection contains over 58,000 full text doctoral dissertations, masters' theses and undergraduate honors theses from 31 of Ohio's world-renowned academic institutions, including the University of Dayton. Users may search the full text of these publications or browse by institution, department, or author.
Access dissertations and theses from universities worldwide, supporting research across various academic disciplines and promoting scholarly communication.
Indexes doctoral dissertations and master's theses from over 1,000 North American and European universities with coverage from 1743 to the present day. Also includes abstracts, 24 page previews, and the option to purchase the full text. Subject areas include arts, business & economics, education, humanities, social sciences, behavioral sciences, natural sciences, mathematics & physical sciences, and health & medical sciences.