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Suffrage, But for Whom?

About This Guide

This guide is meant to provide general information and a starting point to discuss suffrage as we recognize 2020 as the centennial celebration of women's suffrage in the United States with the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1920.

"The history of American women’s suffrage exposes deep social divisions along racial lines as well as a flawed and convoluted history of American governance. Although women of color were repeatedly ignored by white suffragists, they kept fighting for their own rights. Native American activists lobbied for decades for U.S. citizenship, which they finally received in 1924. Similarly, Puerto Rican women gained full suffrage in 1935. African Americans and other people of color could not vote unimpeded until 1965. Even today, restrictive voter identification laws target African American and Native American citizens in specific regions"

Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery. (n.d.). The nineteenth amendment and its legacy.

This guide attempts to critically examine the dominant narrative of women's suffrage in the United States by highlighting stories and historical activities often not discussed or cited in the literature with the goal of creating a more holistic and inclusive understanding of the women's suffrage movement.

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