Cabell's Educational Directories is a database that allows researchers to evaluate what journals are the best home for their publications. It provides information on topics such as: whether a journal is peer-reviewed; its acceptance rate; and more. It also provides specialized data such as the Cabell's Classification Index (CCI), Difficulty of Acceptance (DA), and Institutional Publishing Activity (IPA).
Cabell's uses specialized terms to refer to certain types of data. The following definitions will help you navigate its database.
Journalytics and Predatory Reports: Cabell's creates two main lists of journals: its Journalytics and its Predatory Reports. The Journalytics section includes those journals that Cabell's has deemed to be good publishing opportunities. They examine criteria of audience, relevance, sponsorship, quality, peer review, fees, policies, publication practices, and integrity in order to make these choices. The Predatory Reports section includes journals that Cabell's has identified that do not meet these high standards. The University Libraries currently subscribe to the Whitelist only.
Note: Just because a journal isn't in Journalytics, does not mean that it is automatically in the Predatory Reports.
Cabell's Classification Index (CCI): Defines the relative influence a journal has within a discipline.
Journal Impact Factor (JIF): The relative influence a journal has based on citations.
Altmetric Report: The amount of online attention a journal receives. This number is determined by looking at various social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, and more.