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EDC 868: Miller

Recorded Webinar: Introduction to EndNote

EndNote Online


EndNote Online, also known as EndNote Basic,  is citation management software produced by Clarivate (who also provides resources for the Web of Science database). EndNote is a bit more complex than Mendeley or Zotero and a lot of the true power of EndNote comes from its integration with Web of Science s well as its ability to utilize and create unique citation styles. 


EndNote Online Basic allows users to:

  • Create an online library with a maximum of 50,000 references and up to 2GB of attachments
  • Easily export and integrate metadata from the Web of Science database (as well as many other databases)
  • Collect, organize, and share citations
  • Insert your citations into a Microsoft Word or OpenOffice document
  • Format bibliographies to many different formats
  • Customize and create unique citation styles 
  • Store PDF attachments
  • Share your citations and notes within groups


Quick Start Guides and Helpful Links

Using EndNote Online with Microsoft Word for In-Text Citations

Creating Reference Sections and Bibliographies

Getting Citation Information from Article Databases

      UDiscover and other EBSCO databases

      Web of Science


      Google Scholar 


Getting Started/Quick Links

Here's a comprehensive list of  resources to assist you via EndNote Online/Clarivate

Here's a Quick Guide (PDF) to get you up and going via EndNote Online/Clarivate

EndNote Online/Clarivate's Frequently Asked Questions 

University of Bath has fantastic resources for utilizing EndNote Online.

Also take a look at the EndNote Online Quick Guide (PDF) basic information

Using EndNote Online with Microsoft Word for In-Text Citations


EndNote download screen

Step 1: Download the EndNote Microsoft Office "Cite while you write" plugin


Microsoft Word Choosing Your Citation Style

Step 2: Open your Word document. Using the EndNote tab in Word, select the citation style that you wish to use (such as APA, MLA, etc.). You can change your citation style easily and at any time.


Inserting a EndNote Citation in Word

Step 3: When you come to a place in your Word document where you want to insert your in-text citation select the "Insert Citation" icon in the Word "References" tab. 


Inserting a Citation from your EndNote Library

Step 4: Search your EndNote citation library to insert the proper citation.


Step 5: Click "Insert" to insert the citation. 

Creating a Reference Section (or Bibliography) in Microsoft Word Using EndNote Online


Step 1: Insert your in-text citations using the method outline above.


Insert Bibliography in EndNote

Step 2: In the Microsoft Word EndNote tab, select "Update Citations and Bibliography."




Step 3: Choose your preferred citation style from the EndNote list (such as MLA, APA, IEEE, etc.).


Creating a Reference Section (or Bibliography) Using Just EndNote Online

Exporting Bibliographies from EndNote Online

Step 1: From the Format tab, click the Bibliography link.


Step 2: Select the references to format from the References drop-down list box.


Step 3: Select the output style from the Bibliographic style drop-down list box.


Step 4: Click the Save ToE-mail, or Preview & Print buttons.

Downloading Citations from an Article Database into EndNote Online


From UDiscover or Other EBSCO Databases 


Exporting Citation Info from EBSCO Databases

Step 1: Make sure you are currently logged into EndNote Online.


Step 2: From an individual record in UDiscover, click the Export button on the right side of the screen.


Step 3: Choose Save citations to a file formatted for: Direct Export to EndNote Web. 


Step 4: Click Save. Your selected record will be automatically imported into EndNote. Alternatively, you can select multiple records and batch export records found in your EBSCO folder. 


Note: These instructions will work  any other database with the EBSCO interface. 

From Web of Science


Step 1: Make sure you are currently logged into EndNote Online. 


Exporting Citations from Web of Science into EndNote

Step 2: In Web of Science, select files you want to add to EndNote Online.

Step 3:  Click on the dropdown box that says "Save to EndNote online."

Exporting metadata from Web of Science into EndNote Online

Step 4: Select what sort of content you want to export from Web of Science (such as author, title, and abstract). Select Save "Send." Records will automatically be imported to your EndNote library. 



From PubMed


Exporting Metadata from PubMed into EndNote Online

Step 1: In PubMed, choose the article you wish to add to EndNote.  In the upper right corner click Send to: drop arrow.

Step 2: Under Choose Destination, click Citation manager.  Then click Create File; a .nbib file wil be downloaded to your computer.


Using EndNote Online to Import References from PubMed
Step 3: In EndNote, under the Collect menu, click Import References.

Step 4: Select the .nbib file you downloaded.

Step 5: Select PubMed from the Import Option menu.

Step 6: Select the group you want the citation to go to.



From Google Scholar


Using Google Scholar to Export Citations

Step 1: In Google Scholar find the article you wish to add to EndNote.  Click the Cite button under its description. 


Select EndNote in Google Scholar 
Step 2: At the bottom of the Cite box, click EndNote; a .enw file will be downloaded to your computer.

Step 3: In EndNote, under the Collect menu, click Import References.

Step 4: Select the .enw file you downloaded.

Step 5: Select EndNote from the Import Option menu.


Using EndNote Online to Import Google Scholar References
Step 6: Select the group you want the citation to go to.



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