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CMM 425: Combs

Brainstorming Keywords

How Hashtags & Keywords Can Boost Your Social Media Presence

Evaluating Sources


Background Sources

  • Rely on them for information accepted as unquestionable fact
  • Provide general information to explain a topic
  • Sources to consider: books, encyclopedias (either general or subject-specific), articles.

Exhibit Sources

  • Materials a writer is interpreting or analyzing
  • Used to provide an example of or give evidence for a claim
  • Sources to consider: Depending on your topic and discipline, scholarly books or articles, a film,  novel, a data set, an interview, experimental results, a diary, letters, a work of art, etc.

Argument Sources

  • Information from other authors you are agreeing with, disagreeing with, or building upon
  • Citing them puts your research in the context of other scholarship on that topic--brings you into the conversation
  • You use your exhibit sources as examples of why you agree with, disagree with, or want to add more to what was claimed in your argument sources
  • Sources to consder: articles, books.

Method Sources

  • Materials an author follows to determine how they are doing their research
  • Sources to consider: Course readings, books, articles, Can include research procedures, theories




Adapted from Beeghly LIbrary, Heidelberg University:

Additional Sources:

Meredith Farkas, Meredith. “Good for What? Teaching Sources for Sustainable Lifelong Information Literacy." Presentation, Association of College and Research Libraries, Portland, OR, March 25-28, 2015.

Rubick. Kate. 2014. "Flashlight: Using Bizup's BEAM to Illuminate the Rhetoric of Research." Presentation at Library Instruction West 2014.

Rumble, Juliet, Carter. Toni and Noe, Nancy.  2015. "Teaching Students the 'How' and 'Why' of Source Evaluation: Pedagogies that Empower Communities of Learning and Scholarship." Presentation at 2015 LOEX Conference.

Woodward, Kristin M. and Ganski, Kate L., “BEAM Lesson Plan” (2013). UWM Libraries Instructional Materials. Paper 1.

BEAM originally developed by Joseph Bizup.

Bizup, Joseph. "BEAM: A Rhetorical Vocabulary for Teaching Research-Based Writing." Rhetoric Review 27, no. 1 (2008): 72-86. doi:10.1080/07350190701738858

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