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Academic journals and scholarly articles typically represent the reporting of the most current research in a given field. Whereas books may represent the amassed knowledge on a given subject, they often suffer from long publication times, and by the time they're published and distributed, there is often new research and knowledge in that field. For the most up-to-date look at your subject, look for scholarly articles in an academic database!
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Covers over 35 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals back to 1946, with links to full text articles and other related resources.
This collection is devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It includes more than five million records and access to more than 2200 journals. Coverage begins in 1972.
Multidisciplinary resource that includes journals, magazines, books, reports and proceedings. Contains over 10,000 titles, some coverage from 1880s to the present.
SocINDEX with Full Text includes full text for more than 300 sociology journals dating back to 1908. It also includes full text for more than 700 books and 6,000 conference papers. Abstracts for more than 800 journals are available back to 1895.
Gender Studies Database provides indexing and abstracts covering the full spectrum of gender-related scholarship inside and outside academia. It indexes scholarly and popular publications including journals, books, conference papers and theses.
LGBTQ+ Source provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines and newspapers. It also includes a specialized LGBTQ+ thesaurus containing thousands of terms.
Race Relations Abstracts includes abstracting for academic journals, books, periodicals and newspapers related to ethnic and racial studies.