Subject keywords:
Illumination of books and manuscripts
Manuscript fragments
Language, place, time, context:
Manuscripts, medieval
Manuscripts, Hebrew
Manuscripts -- Italy -- History
Islamic manuscripts
These databases span multiple disciplines and formats, with resources relevant to medieval and renaissance scholarship broadly.
This collection contains the comprehensive hagiographical records of saints, featuring biographies, historical texts, and religious significance from the early church to modern times.
This collection of documents recounts the exemplary lives, deaths, miracles, and other deeds of saints of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as major historical moments in their subsequent veneration, providing a principal source for research into the societies and cultures of early Christian and Medieval Europe. These texts were published over a period of 300 (1643 to 1940) years by the Société des Bollandistes.
Access scholarly resources, including articles, books, and primary sources, focused on the Middle Ages and Renaissance, supporting interdisciplinary research. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.
Formally known as "Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance," this index of secondary sources written from the 18th century to present covers the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). It includes citations for books, journal material (articles, reviews, review articles, bibliographies, catalogues, abstracts, and discographies), and essays in books (including entries in conference proceedings, festschriften, encyclopedias, and exhibition catalogues).
A digital library with over 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in diverse fields, ideal for research and scholarly exploration.
This archive is a collection of over 12 million full-text scholarly journal articles, e-books, periodicals, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Browse subject areas including Arts, Business & Economics, History, Humanities, Law, Medicine & Allied Health, Science & Mathematics, and Social Sciences. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization that also includes Artstor, Ithaka S+R, and Portico.
An online platform providing access to scholarly journals and books in the humanities, arts, and social sciences, supporting research and academic scholarship with full-text content.
This interdisciplinary collection provides full-text access to high-quality, scholarly journals and e-books in the humanities, arts, and social sciences from various publishers. Disciplines covered include visual & performing arts, anthropology, literature & literary criticism, film, theatre, history, ethnic & cultural studies, music, philosophy, religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and women's studies. Browse books, journals, case studies, and primary sources.