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Library Streamlining Search and Services: Home

A month-to-month guide on what to do or expect related to the University Libraries' changes in 2025.

Changes coming to library searching and services

This summer, the library system software at UD and all other OhioLINK institutions will be streamlined to enhance services and operations.

Effective June 23, UDiscover will have a new look and serve as the website to search for and request UD and OhioLINK items and log in to your library account. The website you currently use for the UD catalog and to access your library account will retire. 

Earlier in the year, on May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design.

We’ll share training materials on the new features and functionality closer to launch. Questions are expected and welcome. Contact your liaison librarian or Roesch Library.

Month-to-month action items and alerts

When Who Action or Alert
March 14–June 30 Faculty Print material and physical item purchase requests cannot be processed; submit purchase requests to your liaison librarian prior to March 14. Requests for e-books and streaming films are able to be processed.
Through May 12 Faculty, staff and students who use MyEBSCO folders to save PDFs or citations across EBSCO databases. Save your MyEBSCO folder content: PDFs or citations you’ve saved in folders will not transfer over when EBSCO databases update with a new interface. If you have been using the folder or save citation features, make a plan to log in, click on your folder and follow this export guide to either save or email your folder content.
Through June 9 Faculty, staff and students who use their UD library account folder within the catalog Save the UD catalog content stored in your account folder. Export any item information currently saved in your UD library account’s folder by June 9. View your folder here and click the “Export” button to save your items elsewhere.
Effective May 13 Faculty, staff and students EBSCO databases will have a new interface. Preview the look and features here.
May 23–June 25 Faculty, staff and students OhioLINK requesting and borrowing of physical items will be paused, but an interlibrary loan alternative will be in place. More details forthcoming.
June 23 Faculty, staff and students The new streamlined UDiscover launches. You will use this single interface to search for and request UD and OhioLINK items and log in to your library account.
June 23 and beyond Faculty, staff and students Looking for a one-on-one tutorial on how to use the new UDiscover? Book a Librarian according to your department or major, or ask a question via the Get Help page.
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