A database focusing on the history of the U.S. and Canada, providing access to scholarly articles, book reviews, & dissertations on various historical topics and periods. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.
A database providing access to full-text articles, images, and reviews in art, covering topics such as art history, photography, architecture, and graphic design. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.
Access world history from 1450 to the present, providing access to scholarly articles, books, and dissertations, supporting research across historical topics and themes. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.
A rich database of scholarly articles, books, and essays in the humanities, providing access to critical information across diverse disciplines and global perspectives. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.
Provides access to full-text articles, journals, and books on theater and dance, covering global performance traditions, history, and critical scholarship. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.
A digital library with over 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in diverse fields, ideal for research and scholarly exploration.
Access scholarly literature in language, literature, linguistics, & folklore, supporting research across humanities disciplines with indexing and abstracts. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.
Access scholarly literature in philosophy, including journal articles, books, and reviews, supporting research across various philosophical disciplines. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.
An online platform providing access to scholarly journals and books in the humanities, arts, and social sciences, supporting research and academic scholarship with full-text content.
This database provides abstracts of scholarly writings on music, including articles, books, and dissertations, covering diverse topics in musicology and related fields. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.