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United States History

Bibliography, Sources Consulted, Works Cited

1. Book
Author Last Name, First Name. Book Title. City of Publication: The Publisher, Publication Date.

Example:  Sweig, Julia.  Inside the Cuban Revolution.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 2002.

2. Anthology/Book Chapter with an Editor
Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Selection/Chapter.” In Book Title, edited by Editor Name, page numbers. City of Publication: The Publisher, Publication Date.

Example:  Little, Denise.  "Born in Blood."  In Alternate Gettysburgs, edited by Brian Thomsen and Martin H. Greenberg, 242-55.  New York:  Berkeley Publishing Group, 2002.

3. Article from an Online Database
Authors Last Name, First Name.  “Title of the Work.” Publication Title. Publication Date. Website Address (Date Accessed).

Example:  Foley, W. Trent, and Nicholas J. Higham.  "Bede on the Britons."  Early Medieval Europe 17, no. 2 (2009):  154-85.  doi:  10.1111/j.1468-0254.2009.00258.x.

4. Work from a Website
Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of the Document.” Website Name. Website Address (Date Accessed).

Example:  James, Quentin.  "South Carolina Voter ID Bill Discourages Voter Participation."  May 6, 2010.

Source:  Everyday Writer, 4th ed. (Lunsford)

In Text Citations

1. In the Text
Sweig argues that Castro and Che Guevara were not the only key players in the Cuban revolution of the late 1950s.19

2. In the First Note Referring to the Source (Either at the bottom of the page or on a separate page entitled Notes)
19. Julia Sweig, Inside the Cuban Revolution (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002), 9.

3. In Subsequent Notes
After complete information has already been given the first time the work was cited, shorten additional references to that work: list only the authors name, a shortened version of the title, and the page number.
23. Sweig, Cuban Revolution, 21.

Source:  Everyday Writer, 4th ed. (Lunsford)

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