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NSG 400


Searching Tutorials

This section details the mechanics of performing an EBP literature search. The specific terminology will vary from database to database (PubMed and MEDLINE use MeSH, while CINAHL uses CINAHL Headings, for instance) but the process is the same: you will search each individual component of your PICO question and combine the results using the Boolean AND operator. Select your database in the left column and learn how to search them in the tutorials below!

Clinical Queries

One tool specifically assisting EBP searches is PubMed's Clinical Queries, which allows you to narrow your results by Clinical Study Category (Therapy, Etiology, Prognosis, Diagnosis, Clinical Prediction Guides). It also separates outs results identified as Systematic Reviews. This will not provide comprehensive results (it is unlikely to show every Systematic Review on a given topic), but if you need an article in a hurry to answer a specific clinical question, input your full search string into Clinical Queries:

PubMed Clinical Queries

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