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ENG 198: Covington

Brainstorming Keywords

Search Tools

Catalog Searching

The catalog is the place to search for BOOKS, JOURNALS, and DATABASES.  (Use databases to search for individual articles.)


If you're looking for a specific journal title, start by selecting Advanced Search, then pick the Title field, and then select Journal/Periodical for the Material Type.


Searching this way will put the journal titles with your keyword (e.g., "Film") at the top of the results list.


Most databases use a special character (wild card) to search all the possible words for a given suffix.


Web of Science uses *; the library catalog uses * for 1-5 characters and ** for unlimited characters.


comput* would search:

  • computer
  • computers
  • computation
  • computational
  • computing
  • computerize, etc


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