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Recommended Databases

  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students

A vast collection of full-text academic journals, magazines, and other resources across multiple disciplines, supporting comprehensive research needs. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.

  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students

A freely accessible search engine providing scholarly articles, theses, books, and conference papers across various disciplines, facilitating academic research and citation tracking.

  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students

A rich database of scholarly articles, books, and essays in the humanities, providing access to critical information across diverse disciplines and global perspectives. Effective May 13, EBSCO databases will debut new features and an updated design. Learn more.

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  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students
  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students

A digital library with over 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in diverse fields, ideal for research and scholarly exploration.

  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students

A comprehensive research database offering access to a wide range of academic content, including dissertations, journals, newspapers, and other scholarly resources across various fields.

  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students
Alternate Name(s):National Library of Medicine

A free resource offering access to a vast database of biomedical literature, including articles, clinical studies, and reviews, supporting research in health and life sciences.

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UD Catalog

Connect to the University of Dayton Online Catalog to search for books and other materials held by the UD University Libraries.

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  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students
  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students
Alternate Name(s):EBSCO EDS

A search tool with a Google-like relevancy ranking to help you retrieve all types of research sources with one search.

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Web of Science
  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students
  • Available to current UD faculty, staff and students

A citation database with coverage in the physical and social sciences. Contains 150 million records.

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