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In-Depth Database Tutorial: PubMed

A detailed tutorial explaining how to search in PubMed according to EBM/EBP standards

Sample Search Step #8: Accessing Full Text, ILL & Exporting Results

Accessing Full Text at UD

  • In the UD version of PubMed, the yellow “FIND IT!” icon  (as pictured here: Find It! Icon) should appear within any item record (note: to reach an individual item record, simply click on the title within the list of results, as pictured in the previous section). These links will not appear if you have not already set up PubMed's "Outside Tool" feature. Please refer to our earlier section on setting up Outside Tool.

  • As seen in the screen-capture below, the link for UD's full-text holding should appear in the upper-right corner of an individual item record.

  • After you click the yellow Find It link, there's a strong chance that the full text will still be immediately available. If this is the case, you will see one or more links/icons towards the upper, left side of the screen under the phrase: "Get Full Text." Click on any of the available links/icons in this section (see screenshot below for an example). Once selected, the link should open a new tab for the service hosting the article, where you will find a PDF link.

    Screenshot showing the full text finder results for the item and links to reach full text
  • Upon clicking the link, the following page should open. This article is a subscription resource that the Library pays for, and you can see this by the UD Library logo at the top of the screen, and the "Full Access" icon with the open lock. To download a PDF version, click on the PDF icon (circled)

Screenshot showing how to get the PDF and determine that you have successfully authenticated within Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) within PubMed

  • If an article is not immediately available in print or online, you will see the message "Request this title from another library via Interlibrary Loan" (see screenshot below). This means you can order the article (or thesis, dissertation, book chapter, etc.) for free through the library's Interlibrary Loan service (ILL). After you select the link, a new tab will open to UD's Interlibrary Loan page. Follow the directions below to login and request the article.

    a screenshot of UD's full text finder interface, with the options for interlibrary loan when full text is not immediately available

    Selecting the link circled above will prompt you to authenticate with your UD username and password (the same credentials you use for Porches). Once you've authenticated, you will see an auto-populated form with the information for the item you are requesting (title, author, ISBN, year, etc). Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Submit request," as circled here:

    Capture of where to click to submit ILL request

    After the request has been submitted, you will receive an email when the item is ready. For journal articles, book chapters, theses/dissertations, or news articles this will mean a PDF will be sent to you electronically. For print items or DVDs, the physical item will be sent to UD where it can be picked up from our circulation desk. To learn more about requesting print books, please visit our guide on the topic.

Exporting Multiple Results from PubMed

  • If you want to export multiple results to a citation management software,  you can do so by clicking on the checkboxes beside each title in the set of PubMed results, as pictured here:

Screen capture showing how to select results from item list in PubMed
  • Once you've selected all results that you wish to save for later, you have several options for exporting/saving at the top of the page. Directly beneath the search box, there should be a button labeled "Save" (pictured below as step 1). Click on this button, and a drop-down menu should appear with options to make a "Selection" of results for exporting (Step 2) and "Save citations to file." To export the results to a citation management software, select the option "RIS" from the dropdown list for "Format" (Step 3). There are also options to save the results as a CSV (a spreadsheet) or in the form of txt documents with abstracts, summaries, or PubMed IDs (PMID). In the following screen shot, RIS was selected. To complete the export of citations to a file, click on "Create File" (step 4)
Screen-capture of Save menu for exporting PubMed results with arrows pointing to Steps 1 through 4 described above
  • For an in-depth workflow for importing this file to different citation management softwares, please visit our step-by-step guide on citation management:

  • One final option for saving your results is to click on the ". . ." button directly to the right of the "Save" button pictured in the previous screen-capture. This button will open a drop-down menu feature options to send your results to: PubMed's clipboard (a feature for saving results as you go so that you can export them as a batch after completing multiple searches. Learn more); NCBI's My Bibliography feature (learn more); or My NCBI's Collections feature:

Screen-capture showing the options under the ". . ." button in PubMed, for exporting results to PubMed's clipboard and other tools
  • Pro Tip: Once you complete a search, click on "Create an alert" underneath the search box. From here you can create a search alert or save your search strategy.

This content was adapted from “HOW TO SEARCH IN BIOMEDICAL DATABASES” (created in 2021 at NEOMED Library) by Simon Robins, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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