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ENG 200: Gallion

Find Background Information Tutorial Video

Finding Background Information

A starting point for your research.

Encyclopedias, books, news sources, popular magazines, and search engines can lead you to articles that will be helpful in narrowing down your topic and finding additional keywords to search. When using an encyclopedia, read through an article's bibliography or references section to identify scholarly books and articles related to your topic. 

You may not cite the sources you find as you begin your research. Use the background knowledge you build from these sources to develop your understanding of the language used by people discussing your topic. Add this vocabulary to a word bank you will use to search for credible and scholarly sources later on.

Use this stage of your research to get a sense for your topic, in order to narrow your focus and move to a thesis.

Searchable encyclopedia databases

Finding Background Information Online

Searching in popular news sources, Google Scholar, and even Wikipedia can help you find background information and develop your topic in the first stages of your research. 

Do not cite a Wikipedia article, but you may use this as a starting point to locate more credible sources.

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